Andhagan is an upcoming comedy thriller film directed by Thiagarajan. The film lead role Prashanth, and also Karthik, Simran, Priya Anand, Samuthirakani, with Yogi Babu, Vanitha Vijayakumar, Manobala, K. S. Ravikumar, Urvashi in supporting roles.
Produced by Thiagarajan. The film has music by Santhosh Narayanan while cinematography by Ravi Yadav and editing by Sathish Suriya.
07/03/2022 :
First Single Released :
The film 1st single was released on 7 March.
The first look poster of the film were released and fans great response. And the first single of the film ‘En Kadhal’ Song have been released. It was sung by Sid Sriram and Lyrics by Vivek.