Kick is an upcoming comedy drama film written and directed by Prasanth Raj. Starring Santhanam as the lead. Tanya Pope, Ragini Trivedi, Kowai Sarala and many others have played important roles in this film.
Produced by Naveen Raj under the banner of Fortune Films. The film has music by Arjun Janya while cinematography by Sudhakarr S Raj and editing by Nagooran Ramachandran.
24/08/2023 – Third Single Released :
The third single of the film ‘Gilma‘ Lyrical Video have been released. It was sung by Jonita Gandhi and Arjun Janya.
21/01/2023 – Trailer Released :
Actor Santhanam has played the lead role in the film ‘Kick’ directed by Prashant Raj. Actor Santhanam’s birthday, the film team released the trailer of ‘Kick’ today.
13/12/2022 – 2nd Single Released :
The second single of the film ‘Kannamma‘ video song have been released. It was sung by Anthony Daasan with Lyrics by Gana Bala.
10/12/2022 – Second Single Promo Released :
The film team has released a poster and announced that the second song ‘Kannamma‘ from ‘Kick’ will be released 13th Dec at 6.03 pm.
10/10/2022 – First Single Released :
The first single of the movie ‘Saturday is cominguuu’ has been released. Accordingly, its song video is currently trending on social media. Actor Santhanam has sung this song lyrics written by Viveka.