Lucky Man is a 2023 Tamil comedy film. Written and Directed by Balaji Venugopal. The film stars Yogi Babu, Veera, Raichal Rabecca, Abdool Lee, R S Shivaji.
Produced by Think Studios. The film has music by Sean Roldan, while cinematography by Sandeep K Vijay and editing by G. Madan.
19/08/2023 – Trailer Released :
The trailer of the film is out. The trailer is attracting fans on social media. The movie ‘Lucky Man’ will be released in theaters on September 1.
17/08/2023 – Second Single Released :
The second single of the film ‘Oru Vari Kadhai‘ Lyric Video have been released. It was sung by Pradeep Kumar with lyrics by Balaji Venugopal, Sean Roldan.
04/08/2023 – First Single Released :
The first single of the film ‘Naamadhan Raja‘ Lyric Video have been released. It was sung and lyrics by Sean Roldan