Meendum is a tamil drama movie directed by Saravana Subbiah. Produced by C.Manikandan. This film stars Anagha, Kathiravan, Saravana Subbiah.
The movie released on 31st December 2021.
Kaviperasu Vairamuthu has written the songs for this film. Music composed by Narain Balakumaran. Srinivasan Devamsam has done the cinematography. Edited by Raja Mohammad. Super Subbarayan has coached the fight scene.
Movie Review :
The hero of the film Kathiravan and the heroine Anaka fall in love and get married. Kathiravan goes abroad to work while Anaka is pregnant. She born a baby boy. Kadhiravan does not return and Anaka’s parents take her child to the ashram and say that the child is dead. She has a second marriage, to Saravana Subbiah.
After returned kadiravan, he learned that, she got married for the second time. Kadiravan finds her son and raises him. Anaka sees them both in the hospital and understands that it is her baby.
The plot of the film is whether or not their family finally came together.??