Actor Surya has acted lead role in “Vaadivaasal”. Vaadivaasal is an upcoming action movie. Directed by Vetrimaaran and Produced by Kalaippuli S Thanu under V Creations. This film music was composed by GV Prakash Kumar.
The film is based on the game of jallikattu. It is said that actor Suriya will play the dual roles of father and son in this film.
The film based on C. S. Chellappa’s novel ‘Vadivasal’.
This film releasing in 2023.
Actor Karunas has joined as the “Assistant Director” of the film :
Directed by Vetrimaran, the film ‘Vadivasal’, which tells the life story of Jallikattu-Vadamadu, is being made. Actor Karunas has joined ‘Vaadivasal’ as an Assistant Director. Kalaipuli Thanu is producing the film which stars Surya as the protagonist of the story.